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Модераторы: Siberian-troll, Hobbit


Сообщение connor1942 » 23 ноя 2017, 18:57

It happens. Пробудилось древнее зло. Три года, сука, просыпалось и вот наконец-то.
Дальше дофига болтовни на забугорном языке, у кого плохо с албанским проматывайте сразу вниз, я там по нашенски в двух словах напишу чё да как. У кого хорошо - велком ту спойлер.

Hail Mecharriors!
After three long years - and more hours than I care to admit - we are finally ready to release our BTTACTICS expansion to interested parties. It’s been a long road, and we’ve gone through a number of changes in the process. By definition, this has been a fanboy project from day one. But thanks to the level-headed efforts of the entire team working together and watching over each other’s shoulders, we have created a thoughtful, balanced, creative expansion in homage to a game that should have never died.
Our team has taken the BT universe forward into the late Jihad era circa 3075. There will be personalities and Mech designs up to that date.
(Note: Please see the bottom of this message for all relevant links)
This release will include:
1100+ new cards available for download in PNG (print-friendly) and JPG (internet-friendly) format
An official FAQ for BTTACTICS, including a new game mode (Dual Stockpile Rules)
An updated Cardverter for creating Units
A new and updated LackeyCCG module (including the new DSR game mode)
A collated Collected Rulings of the Unofficial Rules Committee - rulings from the past presented in a new and accessible format
A partnership with a Print-On-Demand company where you can order the cards.
Expansion contents:
We have introduced new Unit types, new Keywords, new factions and new concepts. Some of the new things you have to look forward to are-
* Word of Blake and Wolf's Dragoons Inner Sphere factions
* Clans Nova Cat, Star Adder, Diamond Shark, Hell’s Horses and Wolf in Exile
* New dedicated Box Powers [one for each faction]
* Generic Box Powers [to be used by any faction]
* AeroFighters, Dropships, Protomechs and Quads
* A High Command for each faction that didn't have one
* Faction specific Missions, Command cards, Pilots and Uniques
* A few non-Canonical cards, tributes to members of our community or old game lore.
And these are just the highlights.
Along with the new cards we have also worked on some existing cards from the original game
* 18 cards from the original game have been re-released as Modified versions for reasons of game balance, clarity or fidelity to the lore. See the FAQ for details.
* We have re-released a number of rare cards from the original game that are very hard to find. Our POD partner has these available for printing.
* For those of you who don't have enough Resource cards, we have also uploaded new Resource cards (with new art) (this is also so that those who prefer to play without sleeves will be able to use the new cards)
Bottom line - these 1100+ new cards will surprise, delight and amaze you.
Our POD partnership:
We have partnered with a Print-On-Demand [POD] publisher for you to buy your own cards in 17 different ways - from a set that gives you 1 of every single card [except Box Powers], to Sets that allow you to create personal playsets and multi-deck playsets. There are also sets for the reprints we are issuing. Included with this announcement are ad placards for each of the 17 different sets available.
All these cards are presented strictly for YOUR PERSONAL enjoyment. The disclaimer on the back of EVERY CARD clearly states that these are not to be sold under any circumstances for profit by or for anybody. You will be buying them at the cost of producing them, with that understanding. You’re basically paying somebody to print them at cost for YOU (approx 10c/card at the time of this announcement). Nobody is making a dime from their production, and - legally - this is how it should be.
Supporting Materials:
We have a FAQ document to accompany this release as well as the Collected Rulings of the Unofficial Rules Committee, which is a compilation of the rules/errata gleaned from WOTC employees, BT Judges and dedicated students of the game for the decade+ following the cessation of the BT print run on the old Yahoo Group.
A new game mode (Dual Stockpile Rules) is detailed in one of the appendices of the FAQ.
A new LackeyCCG plugin for bttactics, including support for the new game mode.
In short, you will have access to the latest rules and cards that you would have had if BT had been allowed to continue publishing up to this day. I’m sure it would have grown exponentially more than the humble offering we have created, but added to the 800+ cards from the total print run of the original set, you should now have enough cards to explore deck possibilities for the rest of your lifetime.
We hope you enjoy your experience as much as we have enjoyed creating it.
And - the journey won’t end here! There are a couple of rare cards that we didn’t reprint and a few others that didn’t get made until we finally drew the line at the complete Set as it exists now. One aspect of getting any cards printed is the industry standard practice of 18 cards on a single sheet. We are looking forward to releasing an extra ‘set’ of 18 cards each year at Christmas that will be a mix of new alternate art [that wasn’t available earlier] for some cards, new reprints of hard-to-get cards we missed, and just brand new cards that strike our fancy as worthy of adding to the BTTACTICS expansion. Each new set will have a different Chevron [located under the Tactics cost on each card] to differentiate itself from previous editions of BTTACTICS. By holding ourselves to only 18 cards each year, we give ourselves room to keep the creative juices flowing, restrict those juices from overflowing, freshen up the set with something new each year, and keep the cost to an absolute minimum while adding to the fun.
Well bargained and done!
Your Buddy, Chester
For any questions, you may contact the BTTACTICS team at

To download the PNGs, go to: ... pX0NcfA1Fg

To download the JPGs go to: ... 0cT2xyXSiQ

To download the LackeyCCG plugin, paste the following into your lackey Plugin AutoUpdate URL: ... mp6sRML2b4

To download LackeyCCG itself, go here (Windows or Mac):

To find the FAQ, Collected Rulings, and the Cardverter, they will accompany this message but can also all be found here: ... 6uVdHbRX50

To print the cards, follow this link and create your own personal account with Superior POD:

Ну короч три года назад, в те былинные времена, когда доллар был по 30, украинцы братьями а Крым условно ненашим я с одним калифорнийским пенсионером ебанулся на отличненько и решил запилить дополнительный фанатский сет к к замечательной коллекционной карточной игре "Battletech CCG", на которую тут всем конечно же похуй. Затем к нам примкнули еще два персонажа из разных областей асашаев, и завертелось...
Короч в итоге запилили мы совместно больше тыщи новых карт, пофиксили часть старых, понахуярили новых фракций, новых типов юнитов и ваще карт, сделали табличку для перевода статов техники из настолки в карточник, допилили клиент для игры по сети, воткнули в него все старые и новые карточки, распечатали все это говно на их территории и прислали сюда (на забыв пободаться и забашлять таможне конечно) заебались знатно то есть.

И чо? И вот!
ССылки все под спойлером, группа в цукербуке называется Battletech CCG, все вопросы к Честеру, Майклу или ко мне. Ах ну да, вам же пох...

Картинка для привлечения внимания (Картинки с сиськами кончились. Извините.):
спасибо за внимание
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Сообщение Siberian-troll » 23 ноя 2017, 19:18

Что тут скажешь, вы офигенны. :thumbup:

Это и есть реальный БТ, когда устав ждать, фанаты сами пишут романы, сами льют миньки, сами делают игры.
Рисуют арты и сочиняют новые войны.
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Сообщение RDL_python » 23 ноя 2017, 21:26

Если убрать из текста мат - то очень позитивное известие!
Осмеивать ник "питон", бессмысленно. Это не раз делали разные "интеллектуалы". Подобное, только показывает уровень "ума и сообразительности", человеческой порядочности и интеллигентности - делающего это. CRASH & BURN !
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Сообщение acefalcon » 23 ноя 2017, 22:10

Только человек, способный походя сесть играть партию батальон на батальон и довести ее до конца, способен на такой подвиг. Молодцы! :thumbup:
Хотя вопросы к иллюстрациям и текстам есть, и много. Но это надо было наверное раньше влезать
Jack, you have debauched my sloth!
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Сообщение connor1942 » 24 ноя 2017, 01:10

Ну, тексты наши калифорнийские натив спикеры писали, тащемта. Проверяли в 5-10 рыл, всей америкой. Я под конец практически выключился из процесса, просто устал уже. Однако ж у них хватило сил все довести до конца.

Кстати в планах у нас запустить на печать тестовые партии в мск, на пластике, потому как годной бумаги у нас в стране нет.
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Сообщение acefalcon » 24 ноя 2017, 10:39

Там вопросы не по языку, а по смыслу. Ну да ладно.
Jack, you have debauched my sloth!
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Конструктор мехостроения (1)


Сообщение Daenar » 27 фев 2018, 13:18

А можно поподробнее про клиент для игры по сети?
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